Future Farming Resilience Phase 3

Launched in November 2022, SBA CIC are delighted to once again offer farmers and land managers tailored support and advice through the agricultural transition under phase 3 of the Future Farming Resilience Programme.
We were involved in the pilot phase that ended in March 2022. The programme supports farmers and land managers to understand how the changes to BPS payments would likely affect their business, and how to overcome any challenges this presents.
We are looking forward to getting stuck in this year, with hosting information workshops in Somerset & Dorset, visiting agricultural shows such as the Bath & West and giving valuable support and guidance to farmers to help them through this tricky time.
We are proud to report that we are regularly noted as having best practice and being the highest achieving delivery partner within the project.
If you are a farmer or land owner in reciept of BPS payments, and would like more information about how to access support, or attend one of our information workshops, please click HERE.
Posted on January 24th 2023