New Enterprise Allowance (NEA)
A scheme designed to assist unemployed people claiming benefits who wish to start their own business.
The NEA Programme
Please note - we are currently not accepting referrals for this project

Accessing the NEA Programme
The New Enterprise Allowance (NEA) is a scheme designed to assist unemployed people claiming benefits who wish to start their own business. It is available to individuals aged 18 and over in Great Britain who are claiming Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA), Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Universal Credit (UC) or lone parents claiming Income Support.
The NEA scheme is accessed through your Jobcentre Plus workcoach who will be able to tell you about their eligibility conditions they will book for you to attend an NEA business start up workshop.
Business Start Up Workshop (Link up Start Up)
The Link Up Start Up workshop has been developed for you to get a better understanding of the expectations of the NEA programme and time frames and to also take a closer look at self employment some of the advantages and disadvantages of being self employed and if this is right for you. At the workshop you will be set actions to complete at home.
Initial One to One Meeting
Once you have decided that you are on the right path with self employment and your actions are completed from the Link Up Start Up workshop your job centre workcoach will be able to book you a NEA one-to-one meeting. These sessions re-capp on the prgramme timelines and comitment and the support you will recieve while on the NEA programme.
Mentoring Phase
Once accepted onto the scheme you will enter the 8 week mentoring phase and be allocated a mentor who will work with you to help you complete a business plan, personal survival budget and one year cash flow forcast for your business ready to be submitted for business plan approval meeting at week 8.
Business Plan Approval
Once your business plan approval meeting has taken place and your plan has been assessed by one of our Business Advisors as completed you will be able to agree with your Job Centre Workcoach a trading start date!
Once you have commenced trading your Job Centre workcoach will trigger the NEA payments £65 for 13 weeks, then £33 for 13 weeks while you run your new business. You can also apply for a start-up loan through the NEA programme with a specialist loan provider. The information for the Start Up Loan will be provided at your initial meeting with a Business Advisor.