Business Start Up Finance Workshop

Monday 12th February 2018 from 10:00 until 13:00


If you are setting up a new business or going self-employed, or have just started, this workshop will show you how to address business finance tasks.

This session will include

  • Budgeting for your home living expenses and seeing how much your business needs to pay you.
  • It will look at the cash flow, a forecast of how much cash is coming in and going out of the business and a profit forecast.
  • There will be a focus on how much tax and NI you need to pay.
  • It will cover the basics of a manual system to keep your finance records and recommend future proofing systems as your business grows.

The easy to understand workshop will give you knowledge and confidence to deal with your business finances.


Yeovil Town Council

BA20 1PQ

Finance Workshop
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