Making cash out of your spare room
Monday 20th February 2017 from 17:30 until 19:30
Curry Rivel Village Hall, Curry Rivel, Somerset, TA10 0HD
£5 plus VAT
This 2 hour session will look into how Air B' n' B and other platforms that can be a brilliant way to make cash out of your spare room. This session show you ways you can maximise income from your home and how it can help your local community.
"Patricia Marks delivered a very concise and informative workshop on all aspects around letting your property through AirBnB and other similar channels. I found the 2 hours packed with relevant information, inside knowledge regarding dealing with the authorities and useful tips. The workshop definitely exceeded my expectations and I would recommend it to anyone seeking advice in this area". - Doris Braukmann-Pugsley, Anstey Mill Cottages